9孔尺八 だ~い好き!

( 異端尺八に関連した情報や思いを発信するブログです )

▶ アドリブ Danny Boy…


 ▶ Danny Boy ダニ・ボーイ
 ▶ Day By Day 一日ごとに
 ▶ Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々

Danny Boy ダニ・ボーイ
    尺八: 岸本寿男(きしもと としお)
   ピアノ: 占部貴大(うらべ たかひろ)

Danny Boy ダニ・ボーイ
    ハーモニカ: 徳永延生(とくなが のぶお)

Danny Boy ダニ・ボーイ
    ハーモニカ:  比嘉祥人(ひが さちと)

Danny Boy ダニ・ボーイ
    歌: ジュディス・ダーラム Judith Durham

Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so!

Day By Day 一日ごとに
   ハーモニカ: 徳永延生(とくなが のぶお)

Day By Day 一日ごとに
   ハーモニカ: 中尾彰信(なかお あきのぶ)

Day By Day 一日ごとに
     歌: ドリス・デイ Doris Day

Day by day I'm falling more in love with you
And day by day my love seems to grow
There isn't any end to my devotion
It's deeper, dear, by far than any ocean

I find that day by day
You're making all my dreams come true
So come what may, I want you to know
I'm yours alone and I'm in love to stay
As we go through the years, day by day

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
    尺八: 村岡実(むらおか みのる)

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
    ハーモニカ: 徳永延生(とくなが のぶお)

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
ハーモニカ: トゥーツ・シールマンス Toots Thielemans

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
    ハーモニカ: 田中光栄(たなか こうえい)

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
    ハーモニカ: Filip Jers

Days of Wine and Roses 酒とバラの日々
     歌: ペギー・リー Peggy Lee

The days of wine and roses
Laugh and run away like a child at play
Through a meadow land toward a closing door
A door marked nevermore that wasn't there before

The lonely night discloses
Just a passing breeze filled with memories
Of the golden smile that introduced me to
The days of wine and roses and you

Just a passing breeze filled with memories
Of the golden smile that introduced me to
The days of wine and roses and you

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